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Beneath the goldshire inn, a night elf attempts to form a pact with an imp. They can't normally become warlocks, but she's going to try! Or maybe she's just horny.

1080p Mega // Google Drive 

Decryption Key: 2jYBHryfIRa9QEG5FFb1jSeEZ6O5Mha-S55y0Z3C-kU


I asked the VA for another take with higher pitch voice, but let me know how you all feel about this one! Also, the blonde elf animation is finished, just getting a VA for that too.




Excellent as always


Good lord this is fantastic


What more is there to say? Nagoo is just godlike.


Ye,I think that maybe the voice is not so perfect,higher could be better.


Higher voice


Fuck her! Fuck this slut till she cries.


Die Stimme finde ich gut. Es muss nicht immer hohes quietschen sein.


Whoever voiced the elf on secret rendezvous was perfect, this one sounds a little husky


Yeah that one was Midnight Datura, definitely my go to VA for night elves. She was on break at the time though :( I also use her for Lara


Just joined because I came across this and the night elf/orc video. Your WoW themed videos are amazing I hope you'll do more! I'd love to see a female human with an orc or imp! This one is my favorite and missionary is in my opinion the best position so, I love it! The quality is amazing. I think I'd like the voices more if they were a bit rougher, if that makes sense? This feels sort of too calm, a few higher pitched moans thrown in would be perfect. Just a thought :) I wish this one was longer! Lol Can't wait to see what you create next, hope there's more like this!