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Alrighty, guys!

Showing you a slightly more advanced technique: how to sidechain width in Ableton Live.
This means that when one sound plays, some other sound will lose its width while it’s happening.
Showing two ways to do it, one involving Max For Live, and the other only using Ableton Live’s native tools.

Let me know what you think!


Sidechain width in Ableton Live

Join me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/FanuFatGyver My Ableton Live masterclasses: https://fanumusic.com/shop/ My mixing and mastering service: https://www.fanumusic.com/mastering/ Main website: https://www.fanumusic.com/ Showing you a slightly more advanced technique: how to sidechain width in Ableton Live. This means that when one sound plays, some other sound will lose its width while it’s happening. Showing two ways to do it, one involving Max For Live, and the other only using Ableton Live’s native tools starts at 5:45. I hope this opens up some creative possibilities for you! #ableton #maxforlive #abletoncertifiedtrainer



Hi, is it possible for you to add the timestamp for when the Ableton Live native steps for this start, in the YouTube video description? I'd love to know more about where this can be used, the example felt quite subtle and not very "in your face" -- maybe it's because I'm checking the video at 1am - I'll check it out again tomorrow. Like, would someone maybe use a technique like this for a bass riff's reverb or something like that, so it's ultra-wide when the bassnotes don't hit and then ultra-middle/non-wide when the bassnotes do hit? Thanks again for your video work! p.s. is there some way of for you to be able to reduce that sound jitter that occurs whenever you press Stop in Ableton during this video?


Timestamp added: the 2nd method starts at 5:45. I tried to describe the scenario as well as I could; was checking the mix with headphones and I felt one of those very wide sounds had to lose some width for "stereo clarity". Stop -> jitter = I don't think that can be fixed…it is annoying though!

Pete Galliott

Like a moron I’ve not been mapping envelope followers to other tracks. 🤦🏻‍♂️ new level unlocked though big up!