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1. choose number and alphabet you want to pick

2. leave a link with character and snack you want in the pouch 

3. also tell me what outfit you want for character (links too)

※ [number = characters/ alphabet=snacks(optional)]

※ make sure the link works well in the comments below. its not easy to get references everywhere all the time. i hope you understand




Will take 3 as drunny!!!! Also snack B! I want a cookie please! Outfit: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/txiw8u5fbw40pn4qeovwt/20240907_050445.jpg?rlkey=exm6n5qvb9p12j6jdxkg9rni4&st=rpnpch00&dl=0 Drunny: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3aerfuct8ud4kdgxsd1qk/commission_drunn_reference1_shading-1.jpg?rlkey=ssx3t680t6ue700ou4qh9nko2&st=fvrqfi39&dl=0

BossMajor 345

Number 8 and can you put in a big cookie 🍪 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52404275/


Can I have 10? No need for candy. Thanks for the chance! https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1065887883971526717/1279588368946171946/commission_salmon1.png?ex=671ed108&is=671d7f88&hm=3a6c5a19b330a07b93de22dfb4bb970420b348d3f6a5d932985c249203c27be2&

Dark D Ark

9 😊 https://x.com/it_me_dark/status/1824802146531103036?s=46&t=QkXG7_yorMjO0_qgJfCnPQ


Definitely one, I am doing the blep. Same gal as always. Arkadia

Ion chivalry

I will do 2! https://www.flickr.com/gp/199765856@N02/45920jB0FH


I'd like 4 please as Ziah! And snack J please! Could it be a big gummy bear please? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1292303620108451840/1292309578632925246/Ziahvolpe_com_dialogue.png?ex=671ef415&is=671da295&hm=c071c9ec0b2444fd9c518645786ed352dad0198edf9150719439efeda638ad1f& Here's the outfit too! Sorry! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/513540195770171412/1299935943028903946/OUTFIT-M27.jpg?ex=671f0330&is=671db1b0&hm=31cc2feccd261b67a46c2670ada6455efd687700c26dd520a929e9d692c29588&


Number 1 and a jolly rancher! Is me kuro

Ion chivalry

Oops! Sorry! Can you put him in a gundam like costume, it can be silly.


sure but can i make it simplified though? since gundam is pretty much difficult to draw if that's okay with ya :>


8 and G please! Lemur: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jezam49pdwewg417i5t0o/lemurcairo-wmupdate.png?rlkey=ye82uyi3aorf8mv02twt7cvxx&st=n8frn5ru&dl=0 Outfit: Fio from Metal Slug: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8fa5w1jhx0cpaiye5q0rq/4b2cdb7b7671bf886da91927b8ef1060.jpg?rlkey=19xeb1977eh24czfu3p046q9j&st=fst4juov&dl=0


I'll pick #7 for Koro! His left ear could go sideways so that it doesn't block 5. He could be wearing last year's Gremlin costume. Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56959005 Costume: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54263726 As for the candy slot A with a green caramel apple. Candy ref: https://www.jessiesheehanbakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_5761.jpg


oops 8 has been already claimed , actually its only 6 left but i'll make you appearing well in the scene not covered though :3 no worries