Asami Tests (Patreon)
Since I'm still working on characters, I thought I'd share a little of what the process involves. Once I think the character is ready, I have to test some things. First I have to test what the skin will look like under the lights I plan to use. Most models will look dry and washed out under the lights. To fix this I need to adjust the glossiness of the skin. You can see the process of dialing it in when comparing Tests 1 & 3.
Next I have to test the public hair with a pose that will change the X, Y, and Z parameters, to see if the pubic hair stays in place. A notorious problem with pubic hair props, is that they don't properly adhere to the model. This current set of models with new pubic hair and genital props presented a serious challenge. It took forever to figure out how to mount the pubic hair.