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My arm still looks pretty ugly. Its red from 3 inches below the elbow to 4 inches above. The redness wraps around my arm to the line of the elbow. It's still warm to the touch. I find it all very neat. The antibiotics are working. I generally feel better, and the cellulitous is going away!!! As of around midday, all the bleeding and discharge has stopped. 

The only thing that sucks is that we got a couple months worth of rain in a couple hours yesterday and my basement flooded. Although I was able to take care of most of it, I didn't do as good a job as I should have, since I felt like shit the whole time. I missed that some of the water leaked into my man cave and under my bookshelves. I smelled mildew this morning. 

I spent my afternoon taking all the books off of three 6 foot bookshelves and caring them upstairs (really sucked!!). I've gotten the water up, as much as possible. Now I'm treating the mildew. The good news is that I've rendered five pages of HFV5. I'll post them tonight or tomorrow when the post work is done.


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