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The Windows 11 update on Tuesday screwed up my computer. I was able to roll back two of the 3 parts, but that didn't fix the problem impacting one of my games and DAZ Studio (my render program). Windows is aware of the issue and released a partial patch, that helped a bit. The game is still unplayable, and DAZ is functioning at about 70% efficiency.

I had 4 more scenes already rendered, but some had problems I wanted to fix. I'm trying to limp my computer through the issue. If all goes well today, I'll have the problems with these scenes fixed and re-rendered, along with 2 - 3 more scenes. That would give me five scenes for this week and at least 4 for next week. That will give me time to consider my options for getting a more permanent fix, or for Windows to find a fix.

Rendering still works normally as far as the finished product is concerned, but it is taking 2x - 3x longer at a minimum. Because of this, I won't try to start the renders during the day. I'll set them to run overnight. The far bigger problem is loading the file into DAZ Studio in order to work on it. The issue makes the computer run as if the computer was critically short on RAM, and the program becomes unresponsive. If you get the file to load, the program constantly becomes intermittently unresponsive and every action has a huge lag time. It's like trying to stand in your shower and adjust the hot water, but there is a 30 second lag, so you don't know if you've adjusted too far or not far enough. You're more likely to freeze yourself or burn yourself, than you are to get the right temperature. It's all very frustrating.

Wish me luck!



I was able to get everything fixed and 3 new scenes ready. If all goes well tonight, I'll start postwork tomorrow.


Three of the five scenes rendered perfectly. The two with problems were unrelated to the computer issue. I'll do the post work on the three and post today.