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You were right, she was a challenge to recreate.... but after enough time, I think I figured her out! I hope you agree.

PS: Sorry for posting these so late, had a appointment that I was out for most of the day.



The Ooze

Holy! This looks fantastic! Much better than what I expected. I'm not going to namedrop anyone but this is much better than what I commissioned someone else a month prior to do for me... Wow, nice job! 10/10 I tried 3-5 times but couldn't get the face right like you did, Bang on the mark.


Thank you sooo much! I always love hearing from a Patron pleased with their Custom! It's why I started doing this and why I put in the time to keep doing it. Thank you so much for the compliment!

Derek Hoferichter

i tell you are a master of the sim custom art