Traditional Japanese Song|Sakura Sakura -- 日本の曲|さくらさくら (Patreon)
This video covers a traditional Japanese folk song, Sakura Sakura (cherry blossom, cherry blossom). Unlike playing Tsugaru folk songs with striking Bachi dynamically, you want to practice playing this song more gently, so listeners can hear the beautiful melody.
For technique, because there are many times you use your middle finger to hold Tsubo this time, pay attention to the gap between your index and middle finger. The gap cannot be too wide or narrow.
Vocabulary List
Tsubo - positions on Sao (shamisen neck) that indicate where to hold strings with the string-hand fingers to determine musical scale of sound
ツボ - 音程を決めるために左手の指で弦を押さえる棹(さお) の場所のこと。1~20まである