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This video covers the details of Sukui. Sukui is one of the basic techniques to play Tsugaru Shamisen. Let’s practice to have a clear sound with the right techniques!





Vocabulary List

Sukui -  producing sound through upstroke of the bachi

Tataki - to strike a string and shamisen body with bachi to produce sound

Koma - a bridge that is placed between the body of the Shamisen and the string. It supports the string and transmits the vibration of the string to the body. There are different heights of Koma that differ by less than 0.4 mm

Kawa - the ‘skinned’ part of the shamisen’s main body that is struck with Bachi

スクイ - おろしたバチを糸の下から上に向かってすくい上げて音を出すこと

叩き(たたき) - バチで糸と皮を叩くようにして音を出すこと

駒(こま) - 三味線の胴と糸の間にはさみ、糸を支え、糸の振動を胴に伝えるもの。細かく高さが異なる種類がある

皮(かわ)- 三味線の胴に張られている白い部分。動物性の本皮と合皮がある



今回はスクイの仕方を詳しく説明をしていきます。 津軽三味線の基本的なテクニックなので、綺麗なフォームで良い音を出せるようチャレンジしてみましょう。 ------------------------------------------- https://www.Patreon.com/LearnShamisen 〇プロジェクト説明〇 私たちは海外公演を通して世界には津軽三味線に興味があって演奏したい人がたくさんいることを知りました。しかし同時に、身近に三味線の基礎を教えてくれる楽器屋さんや先生が近くにいる環境を整えるのは難しいということを感じました。このプログラムでは、津軽三味線のケア方法など、演奏するまでのステップを紹介します。このプログラムが多くの皆さんが津軽三味線を始めるきっかけになったら嬉しいです。ただし、これからご紹介するスタイルは輝&輝スタイルなので、流派によって異なる場合がございます。一つの例として紹介しているので、自分に一番合った方法を選んで楽しくお稽古してくださいね! 〇輝&輝プロフィール〇 2008年に白藤ひかり、武田佳泉のふたりによって結成された本格派津軽三味線デュオ。それぞれが全国大会で日本一になった経験を持つ。日本全国・世界各地で活動の幅を広げている。演奏曲目は古典である民謡から、POP調・ロック調を取り入れたオリジナル曲やカバー曲まで幅広い。津軽三味線ならではの迫力と、女性らしい繊細さを兼ね備えた表現で様々なジャンルの曲に挑戦している。 全日本津軽三味線競技会名古屋大会デュオの部にて6度の優勝を果たす。


Daisuke Hotta

原点回輝の前奏ですね! Wow! That's the prelude of Genten-Kaiki!

David I

Oh wow that's the Gentenkaiki! I would love to learnt he whole song one day! I have a question regarding building up speed with the Suki technique. In some pieces I am learning right now it is employed a lot between the Ni-no-ito and san-no-ito so I find that when I pick up tempo the bachi get's caught in the strings which can sometimes mess up the part I am playing since it throws you out of rhythm. I've been told that I still tense my shoulder and wrist by my teacher, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm still very new to shamisen so my body is still building habits and it will relax with more time, or if maybe my angle isn't just right or I'm trying to go too fast. In anycase any guidance will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to more lessons! Thank you in advance! David

Learn Shamisen

Thank you for your comment, David😊 When you practice a piece of music, there is no need to force yourself to play it fast. Therefore, first of all, please aim to play it slowly, carefully, and perfectly. Same principle goes with when you speed up the tempo. It is always better to practice by gradually speeding up the tempo, rather than suddenly going with the fast tempo. Moreover, as you mentioned, the most difficult thing is to relax when you are new to the Shamisen. You may improve many things by getting used to the instrument. However, you need to focus on building awareness of exactly what you are doing and how you are moving. This awareness, combined with general relaxation + focused skill development is what will take you to the next level!! In that sense, we recommend you to look at the mirror (or record yourself) in your daily practice, so you can see where you tense up, and consciously build up a good habit of playing with a clean form day by day. (Hint: watch and make sure your shoulders stay relaxed as you play. This is a common area where people tense up!) It is a good thing that you recognize what you need to improve, so please keep up the great work! All the best! Ki&Ki