Original Song Lesson | Amaoto ① A section – オリジナル曲|雨音①Aメロ (Patreon)
Let's learn KIKI's original song!!
This video covers the A section of Amaoto. Let’s get the Tsubo accurately, and try to produce a beautiful sound by feeling the overtones and vibration of Sawari to attach it properly. In addition, striking the string gently with Bachi is equally important in this lesson.
Here is the suggested video for learning/reviewing Sawari!
Basics | Sawari - https://www.patreon.com/posts/60839911
*サワリについて-- https://www.patreon.com/posts/60839911
Vocabulary List
Sawari - the section on the upper part of the shamisen neck just below the kami-goma (the 1st string) that is raised or lowered in order to create a buzzing noise that brings out the true Tsugaru sound. Tsugaru Shamisen has a screw called Azuma Zawari (Sawari). Note: some cheaper Tsugaru Shamisen may not have a Sawari
Tsubo - positions on Sao (shamisen neck) that indicate where to hold strings with the string-hand fingers to determine musical scale of sound
Uchi - to produce sound through striking the string with left hand fingers
Hajiki - to pull off a string with index/ring finger of your string-hand to produce sound
サワリ - 三味線の棹の上部裏側に付いているネジのこと。サワリを使うと「ビーン」という三味線独特の音の響きを追加させることができる
ツボ - 音程を決めるために左手の指で弦を押さえる棹(さお) の場所のこと。1~20まである
うち - 左手の指で糸を打つことで音を出す奏法
はじき - 左手の人差し指や薬指でで糸を弾いて音を出すこと