Skill Improvement | Bachizuke -- スキルアップ | 撥付 (Patreon)
In this video, we will cover Bachizuke. We have already covered Bachizuke multiple times in various songs so far. However, when practicing a new song, have you ever found yourself so focused on your left hand that you forget about your right hand?
Let's see the importance of Bachizuke in playing Tsugaru Shamisen and learn what to keep in mind to improve your Bachizuke!
Vocabulary List
Kyokubiki - performing a piece on the shamisen alone, with no singing - Tsugaru Jongara Bushi is often referred to as ‘Kyokubiki’
Bachizuke - to create rhythm by using Maebachi and Ushirobachi
Ushirobachi - to strike bachi at the lower part of shamisen body (closer to the Koma) to produce a change in sound dynamics and rhythm
Maebachi - to strike bachi at upper shamisen body (closer to neck) to produce a change in sound dynamics and rhythm
Sukui - producing sound through upstroke of the bachi
Tataki - to strike a string and shamisen body with bachi to produce sound
Ma (interval) - The interval between sounding notes. A term representing the concept of time in Japanese music, including Tsugaru Shamisen and other traditional Japanese instruments.
曲弾き(きょくびき) - 唄が入らず三味線だけで一曲演奏すること
バチ付け - 前撥・後ろ撥を使ってリズムを出すこと
後ろ撥(うしろばち)- 三味線の胴の後ろの方 [駒(こま)に近い方] で音を出すこと
前撥(まえばち) - 三味線の胴の前の方 [棹(さお)に近い方] で音を出すこと
スクイ - おろしたバチを糸の下から上に向かってすくい上げて音を出すこと
叩き(たたき) - バチで糸と皮を叩くようにして音を出すこと
間(ま) - 鳴っている音と音の間隔。津軽三味線をはじめとした日本音楽での時間概念を表す言葉