Importance of Copying By Ear -- 耳コピの重要性 (Patreon)
As mentioned several times on Learn Shamisen, the ability to play by ear without relying on sheet music is a crucial skill when learning a piece. This is because, tracing the history of Tsugaru Shamisen, it was originally played by blind players, and thus sheet music did not exist. In traditional practices, everything was passed down through oral transmission. This approach differs significantly from Western music where all instructions are precisely written on sheet music, and musicians follow it to produce sound.
In the Tsugaru Shamisen industry, the creation of sheet music occurred around the 1960s, initiated by Master Mitsuou Oyama, establishing a style of ensemble within the Tsugaru Shamisen community. The existence of sheet music made it easier for a large number of people, regardless of skill level, to play together simultaneously. It can be said that the introduction of sheet music was a catalyst in expanding the population of Tsugaru Shamisen players. However, even when Master Mitsuou Oyama released sheet music collections, it is mentioned that accompanying cassette tapes (now CDs) were also released, suggesting that nuances and expressions that couldn't be captured in sheet music were learned individually by listening to audio sources.
While Learn Shamisen lessons also incorporate sheet music, we encourage everyone to develop the skill of playing by ear. Acquiring ear-playing skills not only facilitates faster memorization of various songs but also makes it less likely to forget a piece once learned. Despite the fact that we also started with sheet music in our initial training, we gradually transitioned to picking up the sounds played by our mentors and now rarely use sheet music. Certainly, it's not that we don't use sheet music at all, but we only use it as notes. So, the sheet music for Ki&Ki’s original songs are really rough as well, so we are too embarrassed to show it to other performers! (lol) We make a point to listen and pick up the details of techniques like Sukui and Hajiki by ear and confirm the notes.
It is difficult to suddenly learn everything by ear, but let's start by gathering the courage to imitate and play even just the phrases that catch your interest! Learning to play by ear is useful not only for improvisational playing but also for composing music when playing songs. In your practice of Learn Shamisen's lessons, we strognly encourage you to challenge yourself to pick up the sound without relying on the sheet music.
Recommended practice method:
1. Try playing one phrase from the slow version of a song without looking at the sheet music.
2. Next, play it while looking at the sheet music and check your answer.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you learn one song!
At first, it might take some time, but through repeated attempts, you should gradually understand the rules of Tsugaru Shamisen fingering and the patterns of common phrases. This will significantly improve your ear-copying skills!
このLearn Shamisenでも何度か話している通り、曲を覚える時に楽譜に頼らずに耳で聴いて弾けるようになることはとても大切な技術です。なぜならば、津軽三味線の歴史をたどると津軽三味線は元々盲目の人が演奏していた楽器だったので、そもそも楽譜が存在しなかったからです。なので、昔のお稽古では全てが口伝での伝承でした。全ての指示が正確に楽譜に書かれていてそれに従い音にしていく西洋音楽とは異なった考え方ですね。
Learn Shamisenのレッスンでも楽譜に沿ったレッスンをしていますが、皆さんにもぜひ耳コピをする技術を身につけてもらえたらと思います。耳コピが身に付くと、あらゆる曲を覚えるのが早くなるだけでなく、一度覚えた曲を忘れにくくなるというメリットがあります。私たちも、実は一番最初のお稽古は楽譜からスタートさせましたが、いつの頃からか師匠達が演奏する音を自ら拾うようになって今ではほとんど楽譜を使いません。もちろん、全く使わないわけではないのですが楽譜を書く時はメモする程度です。なので輝&輝二人のオリジナル曲の楽譜は本当に雑なので他の奏者には恥ずかしくて見せられません(笑)スクイ・ハジキなどの細かい奏法は耳で聴いて音を取って確認するようにしてます。
Learn Shamisenの曲のお稽古でも、ぜひ楽譜に頼らずに音を取ることにチャレンジしてみましょう。