[Personal] Love Letters (Patreon)
Before you say anything, I'm okay, thank you 😂
This was just a little quick something I doodle-journaled when reflecting on why I keep certain things around. Sentimental items often feel like a double-edged sword. We keep certain things out of guilt, fear, nostalgia, but sometimes joy and love. I think something I struggle with is that I will hold on to items I don't want, but they serve my ego in some way or provide a narrative that I wish to present to the world. My type-A side is no hoarder though; my sentimental items of the past are all condensed into one single box. If something goes in, something must go out and go bye-bye lol.
When it comes to the letters, I am fairly certain it's a subconscious response to the voices of my past that tried to hurt me by telling me that being queer/child-free/etc means that any love I experience is less legitimate than those of the conventional hetero-nuclear family. I know the letters will outlast me, so perhaps it's just one of my ways of marking my time in the universe and saying "here's a paper trail that I loved and was loved back in life".
I hadn't done a ✨vulnerable✨ piece in a while, so just thought I'd share this one with you guys. Everything I'm currently working on is in the WIP stage, but more to come ASAP!