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Boy, this one took me a while! But overall I'm happy with how it turned out :3

This is one of the new notebook covers and prints I'll have for sale soon! I also am debating a play mat. Either way, I wanted to throw in a more messy painterly piece among the new collection, so I hope you enjoy 💙



Grey Archer

Yeah, that one’s definitely the one.


This has the feel of an old FA site banner.


This is so beautiful!!


Looks amazing


Is Cooper a mexican desendant ?

Dustin Money

Why does this make me thing of that one song: Boys of summer. It really gives off those vibes and make me smile


That's lovely. Been a fan of your stuff for a while Jack, I've always enjoyed your work

Ulmar Vice

I fucking love this! They're so fucking cute! 😍❤️‍🔥


this is beautiful!


So cute


He’s a wolf! Haha I didn’t particularly assign any human ethnicity in relation to the comic characters. I get why people would assume that though, due to his last name. I guess I just leave it to reader interpretation 🤷🏼‍♂️

Leo Brofanity

Reminds of dog “Dog Days of Summer” gawd those memories. Very beautiful


OK I thought that because I'm mexican and here is a common last name .


I like the 'lens artifacts' that were drawn in around the sun. (ghost images created by internal reflections) Were you working from a reference image that had them, or is that a deliberate optical joke? My one quibble is that it looks like they are running into the water, rather than along the shore. I like the 3/4 view for the subject, but the shoreline needs to have the perspective rotated a bit more too.


That being said The Mexican Wolf is a real thing. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subspecies_of_Canis_lupus


The original canvas is actually 8x10, so what you’re seeing was a last minute stretching of the background canvas to suit the wrap of a notebook 😅


The fact that these goobers are doing something this cheesy and romantic makes this picture all the better! Great job Jackaloo! The sunset is just mesmerizing!

Max Clawson

This is beautiful bud. Would it be on a cloth playmat? I'd hella buy it~

Max Clawson

Awesome! You know where to reach me to give the news. Unless you publicly announce it haha


The happy ending of their bittersweet story