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My drawing arm is pretty banged up right now (wrist is having a flare up and I bruised my center forearm hard on a railing while carrying things) so here's another mystery bag sketch to tide you over while I give some ice for a day! 😅




Make sure you give your wrist proper rest! Rest, ice, and compression is always advisable for stuff like that. Also, this piece is very hot! :D

Dustin Money

Oof! That sounds like it hurts, I’m in a bad spot myself, tore a muscle in my left forearm, so I’m restricted, get well soon much love ❤️


Get we'll soon! ♥️


your gear stuff will always be my favorite.

Asher Tail

Dang I hope you’re feeling better!! Love seeing Andy like this <3

Atari Doge

Baby boy…baby