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Max Floof is a "public use" service pup, so how would YOU like to spend your time with him? 😜 As you can see, he's very eager to please~

Thanks Max!



Grey Archer

He’s a very good boy! I think I’d spend my time giving him head pats and walkies!

Beldro Mercier

But me too I want to please him. So we both are mutually waiting on the other and nothing happens.

Nick Knox

Public use? Does that mean we can only use him when there's an audience around to see it?

Max The Floof

Hehe thank you again Jack I love it hehe and pretty spot on caption ;3

Domus Vocis

I love huskies. <3

Dusky Snep

Very cute! Happy to put him to work 😈

Asher Tail

Oh what a handsome fellow! I'd make good use of him <3