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New story! Sorry things have been a little slow on my end. Holidays, plus struggling with Curses, plus working retail, and of course everyone got sick. I have asthma, so colds are no joke, and I've had to use my rescue inhaler a lot. Upside? I discovered that my other inhaler had a fun side effect that I didn't enjoy, so I had to stop using it. (I would tell you what the side effect was, but it's kind of gross, and some people have a much lower threshold for TMI than me, so I'm exercising restraint for once. You're welcome.)

The story I was working on wasn't coming together, so I went back to Jonah and team. Part one up today, part two up soon. I hope you guys like it.

I'm excited to see the back end of 2017, and I hope 2018 doesn't suck. I'm not even asking for awesome, 2018, just don't be terrible, okay?

Hugs to all of you out there. Thanks for supporting my weird stories.



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