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So I'm home sick today--killer migraine and allergies of doom. I got the copy edits for this last night, and I wanted to get it up for you guys, but it's hard for me to even look at the screen. So if there are typos...I'm sorry. The copy editor did their job, but my brain is stabby and as soon as I post this I'm going to go take large doses of medicine and sleep in a dark room. Yay.

For those that were wondering, Kitty Pest saw the doctor yesterday. X-rays, bloodwork, antibiotics, pain meds and 571$ dollars later, and we know she has a small puncture wound and not much else. (She apparently didn't lose a tooth as I thought. They said that was well healed and she lost that tooth ages ago.) The doctor is still worried, and if the cat doesn't bounce back seriously today, we'll have to go to the emergency vet for an ultrasound. We had to dig into rent for the bill yesterday (yay for understanding landlords) and I'm not sure how we'll do a second round with the emergency vet. So fingers crossed that she's perked up by this afternoon.




Love Chapter 1 and looking forward to reading Chapter 2. Is it possible to direct email you? I had some thoughts...


You are welcome to start a discussion on here. I think there is a way to DM on here of course if you feel the need for privacy, or I have a public email lishmcbride@gmail.com