My Brain Go Squish-an Update (Patreon)
This grainy and terrible photo probably isn’t exciting to you-but to me it means I’ve finished writing this book...again. (Third full rewrite on this monster.) I’ll be spending the next day or so reading though it and making sure it makes much as my books make sense. You have all been amazingly patient while I worked on this. You’ll be getting at least one new East Bound post this week before I fly down to Mississippi. I’m helping my mom pack up her uhaul and drive it up to Seattle. I’m looking forward to getting my mom up here, but not to the whole “driving the uhaul” part.
Hugs to all of you out there in Patreon land for helping make this book happen. If you have any questions about the new books, my other books, or anything else, hit me up in the comments!