East Bound and Down Chapter 15 (Patreon)
I wrote most of this before I went to Tennessee thinking for sure I would get it finished when I was on my trip.
Spoiler alert--that didn't happen.
What did happen is that I got to see several of my friends from my old MFA program--amazing writers and people I hadn't seen in years. I checked out Knoxville, drank some new beers, ate too much, and saw a baby giraffe. I also swam in a quarry/swimming hole, which was lovely. It was nice to refill the well. I did manage to spend some time brainstorming and creating the outline for yet ANOTHER freaking rewrite to Curses. So work happened, just not on East Bound.
I also had to travel and then share a room with my two kids. They were really great, but I've realized the last few years how much I need alone time. I can do the social thing, but I'm an introvert at heart, and I need to be by myself for quiet moments or I get really grouchy and tired. It doesn't help that I haven't been getting much alone time at home, either. Our house isn't very big, and with my mom now in the mix, it's a little more difficult to carve out that time. (It's totally worth it to have my mom with us, however.)
I'm heading off to a writing retreat this week, which will be AMAZING, and I'm going to try to and barrel through as much of the Curses Rewrite as I can. Last retreat I managed 30,000 words (which is about 1/3 of a book) and I'm going to try and beat that this time. I've been creating a fairly extensive outline and world notes with my editor so that I have everything square before I go in, so hopefully it will be a quick rewrite.
Hope you're all getting some quiet time to yourselves!