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This is my friend, Abby. Abby is a badass. Seriously, we met in undergraduate and I basically decided she was going to be my friend and followed her around. She has a drive that I really admire. What I've always liked about Abby is her approach to poetry--she wants to make it accessible, the voice of the people, you know? A lot of writers take themselves and their art a wee bit too seriously at times, and I've always enjoyed that Abby, like me, doesn't do that.

Abby is now the poet laureate of Tacoma, WA. She uses poetry for outreach, works with military veterans, and immigrant kids and teens stuck in a local detention center. She basically makes me feel lazy and I'm also so proud of all that she does. What she's doing right now is a cool thing where she's basically teaching short, online poetry workshops. She has a PhD in this stuff, folks, and she's a fun teacher. The first one is about metaphor and has some writing prompts. Even if you're not super into poetry or don't feel comfortable writing it, I urge you to give it a try anyway. Writing has always been very calming to me--it quiets my brain, and I think we all need a little of that right now. 

Anyway, it's free and short and most of you are home, so why not?

I did it and I'm a very questionable poet.



Poet Laureate for the city of Tacoma talks poetry, voice, creativity, and craft. Featuring readings by poets of the Pacific Northwest.


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