Lena Story Chapter 16 (Patreon)
2020-06-08 20:29:24
Last week was a thing, right? And this week? It's been such a thing that we all forgot about Murder Hornets, haven't we? I hope you're all doing well and staying safe and taking care of each other.
If you missed it, and you're on FB, I recommend going to the page for The Brown Bookshelf. They hosted an online rally--Kid Lit Community Black Lives Matter. The first half is aimed more towards kids and teens, the second half more towards adults. I watched the whole thing. A lot of really great authors and illustrators talking things out. I thought it was a pretty great resource.
Hugs to all of you out there. Hope you enjoy this next chapter of Lena. If any of you get the clunky reference in the chapter title, you get five bonus points.