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Mel wanted to name this chapter, FEELINGS...ALL THE FEELINGS. I don't think she's used to either me or Lena having feelings and this chapter has a lot of them. But Lena has been putting this off for a bit and it's now going to catch up to her a little. Instead it's called, I Wish I Could Just Punch Feelings in the Face. I feel like this a lot. I'm not good with feelings. You know that cliche where you see a macho man totally paralyzed by a woman crying? I'm that macho man. Only I'm not macho and I'm not a man. Kid tears I can handle, but when adults start crying I basically turn into that robot from Big Hero 6. I say, "there there" and then there's a lot of awkward back patting. I don't want to sound like on of those people that tells someone not to cry. I'm all for it and I think it's important...I'm just never sure what I'm supposed to do while it's happening. (I think you can tell that I had one of those parents that told us not to cry and would then threaten to give us something to "cry about." Which I've never understood. I mean, the kid is already crying. Why do they need more things to cry over?) 

It's sort of a running joke in our household that Man Friend is the emotion translator. He has all of the feelings in our house. I punched all of mine in the face. It's an inefficient system, but it works for me. Mel told me I should warn her next time--but I didn't expect this chapter to happen. I don't story board or outline, which means sometimes things take a sudden turn and this one came about because Grant is finally running out of patience and spoke up. I swear we'll get back to action or punching things soon.




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