Lena Chapter 31 (Patreon)
New Lena up!
I hope you're all doing well out there. I have about one more week of teaching and then I'll be able to focus more on writing again. My students have been an absolute delight, but I'm looking forward to more writing time.
For those that want to hear the dulcet tones of my voice, I did an interview with Fictional Hangover about Hold Me Closer, Necromancer. It's a real long interview, just FYI. This is what happens when you put me on the line with people who like similar movies and books as me.
I will also be doing an online event in June with Third Place Books--I'll be interviewing author Olivia Waite about her new book, Hellion's Waltz. I'm sure I'll be doing events (online, at least) in July as well as that's when Curses comes out. Yay!