TRIVIA TIME! (Patreon)
So I was lamenting to Copy Editor Mel about feeling bad because while I'm editing and dealing with a truly bananas amount of stuff at home, I'm neglecting you all. Mel had a pretty fun idea--we're going to do some trivia! The rules: I will post quotes from each book. You message me and tell me which characters said them. The three people who get the most correct by Wednesday June 7th will win a prize. (I'll cut off the contrast at 11:59 PM PST, 6/7).
And the prize? I will send you a free download for the audiobook for A Little Too Familiar! I just listened to the samples today and it sounds so fun. (If audiobooks aren't your thing, I'm willing to swap out the prize for something else fun. Just let me know if you win.)
Ready for the first round? All of these were taken from Hold Me Closer, Necromancer.
1. “Well I was supposed to give you a message, but ass-face said he couldn’t trust me to get the stupid thing right, and I was like, well, duh, like I’d want to do anything for you anyway. I mean, he cut off my head! What a douche bag.”
2. “So you’re telling me the zoo commissioned you to make a zombie panda in order to avoid a potential international incident.”
3. “I got three little sisters that I used to help get ready for school. Three picky little sisters. I could do this in my sleep. Any real man can French braid a girl’s hair.”
4. “They aren’t trying to kill me. It’s a sedative. Keeps me docile. And I don’t have much of a choice. If I don’t eat, I grow weak and then I die. I’d rather be drugged and strong.”
5. “I don’t know what’s up with you guys or your giant, mutant dogs, but I’m willing to swallow some ego if it gets my friend out in one piece.”
6. “Since you’ve leapt from Plumpy’s employee of the month to fancy necromancer –“
That's it! Send me your guesses! DO NOT POST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. DM ME DIRECTLY.