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Reminder of the rules: I will post quotes from each book. You message me and tell me which characters said them. The three people who get the most correct by Wednesday June 7th will win a prize. (I'll cut off the contrast at 11:59 PM PST, 6/7).

And the prize? I will send you a free download for the audiobook for A Little Too Familiar! (If audiobooks aren't your thing, I'm willing to swap out the prize for something else fun. Just let me know if you win.)

Ready for round four? All of these were taken from Pyromantic:

1. “You whine. You bitch and moan and do the woe-is-me thing, and it’s boring. You’re a firebug. So what? Get over it and do your damn job. Nobody is interested in holding your hands as soon as you’re done wringing them.”

2. “Or the time we had to move that entire colony of gnomes across state lines. I, for one, approve of Lock’s new mom car. Obviously I wouldn’t be caught dead owning one myself, but I like that we can transport a body and have enough cup holders for all of us.”

3. “You don’t really need a cleaner if there are no residual spells or anything and no bodies to dispose of. Just a discreet construction crew. Call this number, ask for Felicity. Small crew from our neck of the woods. They won’t be booked out like Mick is right now. They’re not as high-profile. Quick, solid work. Tell her I sent you.”

4. “I will get Sylvie to make you an entire batch of whoopie pies if you tell him he’s pretty when he scowls. I bet he’ll really like that.”

5. “What? I’ve always wanted to say that. The step on it part, not the houseboat part. That would be weirdly specific. Now drive.”

6. “They had cod. With wine and butter, I think, and some lemon. And what smelled like asparagus. Why?”



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