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You are probably wondering where March's story is--it's coming. Last month was  hot mess of events and book-coming-out-prep and I got behind. Hopefully I will return to being on time with things. Thank you all so much for your patience.

Hopefully the March story will be up in a few days. I'm going to take a little time to get this one copy edited as my copy editor friends have asked me (nicely, but firmly) to do so.)

Other news--I'll be doing a Reddit AMA on the 10th! I've never done one and am slightly afraid of/intimidated by reddit. I am excited, though.

I'm also doing YASH again (young adult scavenger hunt) and it will go live on my blog (not on here, but on my rather neglected author website) tomorrow. I'll post a link to the rules, but it's fun--there will be some bonus Pyromantic content out there, and the ability to win SO MANY BOOKS.  If you're not into it, don't worry. I'll post the bonus content up on here when YASH is done.

Okay, back to writing!



You got this! I am excited to read the next story but I am happy whenever it arrives. I am definitely not going to ask you to "write faster". Mostly because I am not stupid, also because that is completely unhelpful.