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I've been reading again, so I'll have some more book posts soon, but in the mean time, here's a snippet of the new book I've been drafting, See You Next Year which will be a straight up teen slasher comedy. Sort of Breakfast Club meets Ready or Not and Cabin in the Woods. Hope you like it! --Lish


When he got to Martina’s locker, she was leaning her forehead against the metal like she was trying to telepathically will herself inside.

“What’s up, Teeny?”

She groaned. “I heard there’s going to be a pop quiz next period.”

Rick winced as he tried to remember whether or not he’d even managed last night’s homework. He’d worked a short shift at his Uncle’s garage, then made Dani dinner. Had he even finished reading the assignment? “Wait, you love English Lit. Why are you complaining?”

“It’s going to be on The Catcher in the Rye,” she mumbled.

“Oh, yeah, you hated that.” He hadn’t read enough of it to hate it, but he trusted Martina’s judgment.

“So much,” Martina said, flicking her hands out in emphasis. “And I think in protest, my brain refused to absorb any of the book. I will bomb.”

“I’m sure you’ll ace it,” he said soothingly.

“He was just so whiny.” She looked at Rick for sympathy.

Rick nodded. “And yet, your mother is going to skin you alive if you come home with a bad grade.”

Martina dropped her head back and scowled at the water stained ceiling panels. “Maybe she won’t see it.”

Rick snorted a laugh. “She’ll take one look at you and you’ll fold, Teeny.”

“It’s true,” Martina sighed, resettling her bag. “It is very hard to keep things from my mother. It’s like she has a super power.”

“C’mon, or we’ll be late. I’m sure you remember more than you think anyway.” The joined the throng of the hallway, dodging other students as the climbed up to the second floor. “In fact, maybe it would help you to give me a summary before we get to class.”

“You didn’t read it, did you?”

“He was really whiny,” Rick moaned, slumping his shoulders and dragging his feet.

Martina laughed. “Okay, fine. I’ll do my best.”

She was halfway through giving Rick her Spark’s notes version of the book when he stopped in his tracks. Only for a second, quickly moving forward again, but there was no hiding his reaction to Martina. Her eyes flicked to where he’d been looking and then it was her turn to smile at him in evil glee.

“Well, well, well,” she crooned.

“Shut up,” Rick said, jamming his hands into his pockets. Halfway down the hall, her hand on the door, stood Nika Page. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail, except for the bangs in the front, which framed her face. Her big, velvety brown eyes were focused on the book in her hand, as she tried to read and walk at the same time. She was short, barely over five feet, pale skinned with a spray of freckles over he nose, and Rick was fairly certain he knew exactly where each one was placed.

“She got bangs,” he breathed.

Martina scoffed. “You’re so screwed. ‘She got bangs.’ Seriously?” She shook her head. “Aren’t you supposed to be all about boobs at this age?”

Rick tipped up his chin, he cheeks flushed. “I can be about both. I’m a complex individual.”

“Okay, complex individual, you actually going to talk to her today?”

“No,” Rick said, his breath coming out in a rush. “Probably not.”

Martina pulled him forward, both of them watching as Nika stepped into the classroom beyond. “I get it. I mean, she’s bookish hot, you know? Not my type exactly, but I can see the draw. Like I said, knowledge is sexy.”

It was. It was also intimidating. “Yeah.”

“So talk to her,” Martina said. “You’re gas station hot. She’s valedictorian hot. Girls like that love gas station hot.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” Rick admitted. “But I think you just insulted me.”

Martina shook her head. “I did not. If I was straight, I’d be all over gas station hot.” She paused, tilting her head to the side. “I shouldn’t have gendered that. Anyone can be gas station hot if they truly believe.

“You’re my friend,” Rick pointed out. “You have to say nice things about me.”

Martina side-eyed him as they walked into class. “Have you met me? Last week I told you that new jacket you got made you look like you were the fourth unknown Jonas brother that they kept hidden because they didn’t want to ruin their brand.”

“You’re right,” Rick said. “I forgot you were mean.”

“Just talk to her,” Martina said with a sigh, pushing him forward.

“Can’t,” Rick said. “As the reject Jonas brother, I’m not allowed to speak in public.”

Martina flipped him off before she cut in front of him, snagging the seat behind Nika. She grinned her evil shark grin as Rick took the only seat left…the one right next to Nika. She glanced up from her book and smiled at him. Rick froze, every cell in his body deciding that right then was the exact moment when they should maybe go on vacation.

“Hi.” Nika offered him a smile.

He tried to get his mouth to work, but apparently it was on strike. While he usually supported unions, he desperately wanted to respond to Nika. Anything. Hello. Howdy, even. He didn’t care if he looked ridiculous as long as he responded. What finally came out was something that sounded a lot like, “Hellody.”

Martina’s forehead hit her desk.

Nika, luckily, had turned back to her book, not seeming to notice any of it.

Martina turned her head and mouthed, “What was that?”

He shrugged, palms up, mouthing back, “I don’t know!”

He was almost relieved when Mrs. Haffenbeck handed out the pop quiz. At least then his death would be quick.





Ah, high school. Also, AARGGGHH, high school! : )