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This last week involved me driving a lot (12 hours en toto, I think?) to visit friends and get to my book event in Portland, which was a lot of fun. (Special shout out to Patron Kat, who came to see me at Powell's! If any of you ever see me in the wild, please let me know you're a patron so I can thank you in person!) Between that and being in the throws of an edit that's due in...*checks notes* ten days, I haven't been reading as much as usual. Then again my "as usual" seems to be a freakish amount compared to most. This is what happens when your only real hobby is reading. I've only just started cracking into my Halloween viewing as well. So I figured I'd share a little of both this month.

For your TVR--it's been light so far. I've managed to rewatch Hocus Pocus and some vintage Mickey Mouse cartoons with Smalls. My mom found the old Spooky Scary Skeleton cartoon that's about 100 years old. Smalls was very impressed with how good it was. I watched Halloween 6 with my friend Heidi Schulz (she wrote Hook's Daughter and Hook's Revenge, which were MG books) and her kiddo, which was not good at all. Seriously, the plot is a hot mess and it doesn't makes sense. It is one of Paul Rudd's first movies, though (I can't remember if he filmed that one first of Clueless. Both came out the same year.) and it was fun to see baby Paul Rudd. 

Last night we let Smalls watch the Lost Boys for the first time, which remains one of my favorite movies. He LOVED it. Said the makeup was great, recognized some of the actors (Is that Mouth from Goonies?!?) and was thrilled to watch his first rated R film. Yes, he's young, but we approach movies on a case by case basis in this house as well as a kid by kid basis and always with the idea in place of, "If it's too much, tell us, and we'll turn it off." Spooky movies just don't seem to bother my kids. Smalls did, however, complain about the kissing scene. He also thinks maybe he'll be a Lost Boy for halloween, possibly Alex Winter's character, because he thinks he looks the most like him. I did decide that, much like 1999's The Mummy, Lost Boys is basically its own sexual orientation. Kiefer Sutherland's character is probably the only man in a mullet I've ever found attractive.

As for your TBR, I'm reading the Clackity by Senf (MG, spooky) for the upcoming book event with her. Liking it so far! The set up is fun, the characters are delightful, and it's got some humor to it. 

I finished Only Good Enemies by Estep (Adult, SFF) and didn't love it as much as book one. (But I really loved book one.) It might have been my mood? That happens, sometimes. But it felt a little repetitive and just not as smoothly put together. Not every book an author puts out works for every reader for sure, so it's highly possible this one just wasn't as much for me. If you're a fan, I would say you should still pick it up. I'll also probably still read the next one.

Speaking of my Powell's events, I couldn't leave without getting more books for my TBR, right? (RIGHT?!?) I picked up Kendare Blake's new one, Champion of Fate (YA, Fantasy) as well as Scalzi's new book Starter Villain (Adult, SFF), and Master's of Death by Olivia Blake (Adult, SFF). This fall/winter I'm hoping to really tackle my physical TBR pile, because lately I keep adding to it and mostly reading library books. I also finally picked up my copy of Thank You for Sharing by Katz from Third Place Books, which is Katz's debut novel. (Adult contemporary romance) She described it as a TraumRomCom. (the Traum being short for trauma, since her characters have been through some things.) She was so funny when I saw her interviewing Rachel Lynn Solomon, so I have high hopes for the book. 

Lastly, I've been continuing my re-listen of the Mercy Thompson series (Adult, SFF). I just finish Bone Crossed. Due to my editing onslaught, though, I'm wanting to listen to some mystery on audio next. Anyone have recommendations? Nothing too bleak. I'm a delicate flower, lately.

As always, I hope you're doing well out there, friends. Hit me with your best recs.



I found this at an antique mall my friend Heidi took me too. He was 5 dollars and I named him the Poo Ghost for...reasons.
I also found this cursed object, which I didn't get. Heavy Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire vibes.


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