Update and Random Snapchat photo (Patreon)
Also, for updates--thank you all for patience on the story delay. I'm almost caught up. Hopefully now that things are stabilizing we'll get back on a semi-regular schedule for posts. March and April were rough. I went to the doctor this week and she was somewhat horrified by the state of my back. (Why does that feel like an accomplishment?) After poking at me, she asked if this was always what happened when I have a book come out. (Nope. This one was a special stressor.) When I told her that my back was actually better now ("You can't see the knots anymore when I lean over!) she referred me to a message therapist, told me to take magnesium before bed, and we discussed walking more and all that good stuff. I can't really take anything off my plate, but I do need to figure out how to balance my stress better.
Anyway, story soon. Also, I'm currently on the Sno-Isles library blog recommending a few books if you're interested. (https://blog.sno-isle.org/teens/2017/04/27/top-3-right-now-lish-mcbride-2/)
Oh, and if you want to keep updated on releases, events and all of that good stuff? Sign up for my newsletter! (http://lishmcbride.us14.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=7f90e13f06f5ff7f09874bf9a&id=38f14a78b3)