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Hey all you lovely people <3

Only Blender stuff to go over this week as the other project is still on hold. Oh boy though has this been a intense week trying to learn Blender things, so the main thing I've done is animate 30 seconds of Cheryl riding Ghostface but I'm really unhappy with how the second phase of this animation went so I've decided to scrap it and I'm continuing on with the motion you can see Cheryl doing above but mixing it up a little. I was tempted to show a GIF of the second half but honestly I'm really not happy with how it looks and I don't want to show you guys stuff I'm not happy with at all.

I've had a lot of luck adding cloth physics to Ghostface's skirt and I managed to get it working on Cheryl's hair slightly to add some nice motion to that. Ghostface's skirt mostly works but in the other camera angles I'm thinking of doing you can see where it clips through his legs a lot so I'm trying to work out how to make that work better in those areas. 

Biggest issue right now is the jiggle effect on Cheryl and I'm really not having much luck getting it to how I want it, I've spent the past two days alone working on getting the jiggles looking better but I'm in the same spot as before so I'm going to look at plugins I can buy to see if I can get jiggle bones that way. As you can see in the GIFs above there is a slight jiggle but it looks like they are inflated like balloons giving a unrealistic jiggle to them. The current method I'm using is where you make a mesh cage around the boobs, apply cloth physics to them and then have the boobs move with the cloth physics which from video tutorials I have followed it looks amazing but I'm having a real tough time getting even close to what is shown in the videos. One thing to note is the videos I've watched you are supposed to set up with mesh cage before you have fully posed or animated the characters, you still can do it if you've posed/ animated them but it makes it harder D:

I got to remember this is my first Blender animation and I think I've gone a bit too ambitious in what I wanted to achieve in my very first animation in a new program so I might take it as some things aren't going to look perfectly how I want them right now but in time with practice I can get better at this :D.

The last two images are alternative angles I'm looking at but they also show off the worst of the technical issues I'm having so my plan for next week is to spend a day or two trying to fix the cloth issues and get the jiggles looking nice but if I'm still at a dead end on those I will get them looking as nice as I can but there may be some issues on those shots. I did test out the POV angle but I was running into problems there and the end result wasn't looking nice at all, I may revisit it next week but we shall see. My goal is to have this one fully finished with the audio for you all by the end of next week! :) Unless the commission project starts again this should be doable.

I hope you've all had a great week though and hoping for an even better weekend for you all <3



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