2021 mid-year update (Patreon)
(tl;dr at the bottom if you just want the essentials).
hey all, we’ve just hit june so that somehow means we’re almost halfway through this year. weird, huh? the first half has been a pretty big fiasco on my end between the whole pandemic thing, the whole finishing my final year thing, and other random stuff that sorta just cropped up like my PC kicking the can for the immediate time being and some personal issues id rather not disclose details about, but have been pretty present for the first half of this year (so far it’s nothing too serious, and im doing what i can to hopefully get said issues resolved in a timely fashion, sorry for the vagueness!).
so after my term wrapped up just a week or two back, ive been taking some time out to mostly relax and recharge before getting back at art production for you all, save one or two things like the peach/samus thing. ive been happy with how the ipad use has been going so far, though i still have a good bit to learn with it, and i don’t think id like to be using just this setup alone into the future, so i am going to begin looking into gettin the ol pc rig up and running again. thankfully none of the parts i need are subject to the whole pc parts crisis at the moment, or at least so i think. if everything goes well, it shouldn’t take very long for me to be making full use of my gear again. i am very much starting to miss using an actual keyboard over here.
relaxing and repairs aside, im looking to pick up full steam again in the very near future! if you’ve been attentive, you may have noticed im behind on getting the voted jill art out the door, which i hope to have done very shortly before moving onto this months poll. thanks for your patience and i hope thats okay! i’m just not keen on putting out something super rushed just to meet deadlines, and now that may’s all wrapped up things should be returning to normal shortly.
well, i say normal, ive never not been running this patreon without a variety of background work ive also had to do, mainly schoolwork. now that that’s all done for good, hopefully i can actually start to produce more than just one or two pieces a month. given that im still in a bit of a transitionary period at the moment, i don’t want to announce any big elaborate projects ahead of time, but rest assured once things start picking up properly you’ll be hearing about them here! i have many an idea i look forward to tackling through this year and into the next.
as always, thank you again for your continued support, it’s been beyond helpful with how things have been the past year, and im hoping i can continue to pay that back with the whole drawing hot and cute people thing that is somehow my career right now. i hope you’re all keeping well yourselves as we continue to stumble outta the absolute shitshow that was last year. here’s to getting back on our feet as safely and as quickly as possible.
tl;dr: crunched really hard to finish uni in may, finished it then took a lil break, looking into fixing pc and other issues to get back to normal production pretty soon, hot jill content coming shortly + hopefully just more art in general, thanks again for being epic.