patreon pricing poll!
- i am down and cool with this decision hell yeah 26
- i respectfully disagree with this proposition 1
hey everyone! something that's been stewing on my mind for a while is me wanting to lower the prices a bit for the sapling/pear tiers over here! the original launch of the patreon back during last year was a lil rushed owing to me having to open due to losing my part-time gig to COVID at the time, and still having rent to pay. i think if i'd considered it a bit more I probably would have launched with the sapling and pear tiers at $2 and $5 USD respectively, which is what i’d like to propose to you guys! that's the basics of it, but if you'd like some more elaboration on this decision please feel free to continue reading!
as far as i'm concerned, $5 dollars is the kind of unsaid standard on patreon as the mid-tier for most artists, and i think right now i'd be more comfortable working for you guys at that rate. if you ask me, i (hopefully) only stand to get faster at art production as I generally improve and work my confidence and consistency back up, so i should note that if this goes ahead i don’t plan to reduce what i make for you guys and this won't change what these tiers offer at all, again just pricing it at what i personally feel is a rate i’m more comfortable with!
one of the main reasons I waited to make a post about this was just waiting for my own personal financial status to stabilize to where I could comfortably afford to take the obvious hitch downward that would come from lowering the price of these two tiers, which i’m happy to say is currently the case! to be honest, this is a change i probably would have gone ahead and just done of my own accord if it wasn't for the fact that patreon doesn't actually let you edit tier pricing at all once they're made, meaning the only way to actually change existing tiers is to make new ones entirely. So to reiterate again, if i were to go through with this, i'd be making entirely new cheaper sapling + pear tiers offering the exact same art rewards! The plan then would basically be encouraging/reminding everyone currently subscribed that “hey, there’s a cheaper option with the exact same perks available!” until hopefully everyone has actually shifted over 😅.
You might be wondering why even make this a poll, and for the record I do expect pretty much everyone to say "hell yeah" to this one haha, but given how much of my patreon content is patron-driven I figure I’d handle this like a democracy and see what everyone's opinions are on this! If you would like to weigh in, or just have any additional questions, please feel more than welcome to post them in the comments section for this post and i'll do my best to respond when i can. assuming that most of you are gonna say yes, my plan is to get the new sapling/pear tiers up around halfway through this month or so, likewise accompanied with another revised art announcement to post publically!
elsewise, please stay tuned for the rest of the zeldaXpaya art, the bea sfw/nsfw pinup work, and a new regular monthly pinup poll coming shortly!
tl;dr: i’d like to offer you all the sapling/pear artwork tiers providing the exact same baseline level of art at $2/$5USD respectively, but through patreon I’d have to make entirely new versions of those tiers to let everyone sub to! sound good?