don't look down. (Patreon)
whew. this one ended up pretty elaborate to say the least! thanks for waiting out my covid-related recovery guys, im happy to say im mostly doing better at the time of writing. probably still a little bit aways fully 100%, but enough to get back into elaborate animated horny gifs for you all lol.
in case you were wondering, this is the sfw piece with 2b/9s. the nsfw part i hope to have done in a significantly shorter timeframe! there's also going to be a video version of this .gif going up publically sometime later today, which i'll link back to here. the current plan is to catch up with the backlog ASAP along with the whole general recovery thing. ill be sure to let you know if theres any serious complications but otherwise, i look forward to things hopefully getting back on schedule. thanks guys!
edit: full anim w/ sound link. thanks to opalu and uriel for the VA!