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guess who lost a bet? the same girl who also won a poll, i dont think this is exactly what she had in mind, but unfortunately for her, it's the rules she must abide by. 

ICYMI, this is the sfw bit for the maple poll winning post! i wasn't lying when i said i was going to specifically let you guys know when i landed on a idea that was i felt fit the bill (unlike maple's outfit) and this is the one that struck me in particular right now.

as time as gone on i like to think she's been established as the more dominant out of my characters, so what better way to do something off the beaten path and fanservice-y? well, i had a few other ideas to be fair, but those were significantly more complicated than girl in maid outfit which is admittedly a hard one to beat.




Thicc ladies in outfits that squeeze from being too small are always good


I mean, always could've gone with the extra small.