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i had this idea a little while back as a relatively simple symmetrical little thing, and ive had a real itch to scratch some voidsuit stuff lately so i got around to finishing it up proper for you guys. this was one of the older things i had cooking from this year  (something of a 2023 trend of me starting pieces and not finishing them properly until two or so months later lol) and rest assured, there's still plenty on the menu B) 




Is there a write up of what the void suit does, or where it comes from? I love a bit of lore.

Goonsbury (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 06:21:51 I love it when CD makes hypnofetish works. More please.
2023-06-18 01:06:26 I love it when CD makes hypnofetish works. More please.

I love it when CD makes hypnofetish works. More please.


i have a good bit in mind with it but id ideally like to explore and make examples through contextual art pieces demonstrating various aspects, but the short of it is it's not just a kinky looking bodysuit haha