Stop! Bitwig Time! - Track from Scratch (Patreon)
Today's tutorial in Bitwig Studio covered creating a complex track from scratch, focusing on building rhythms, melodies, and atmospheres within the Bitwig environment. Here's a summary of the process and techniques used:
Started with the Grid: Began by setting up a pulley grid in monophonic mode for simplicity. Deleted unnecessary tracks for a streamlined workspace.
Basic Sound Design:
Utilized a sine oscillator and an audio envelope to craft a basic sound.
Adjusted BPM to 85 for a downtempo feel, with a 16-step pattern for the rhythm.
Introduced voice stacking for richer textures and a pitch module for controlling pitch directly, circumventing keyboard control for a fixed pitch setup.
Complex Harmonies and Rhythms:
Employed a quantizer to lock pitches to a D# minor scale, selectively omitting dissonant notes.
Implemented voice stacking to create harmonies, using stack spread modulators to fine-tune the harmonic spread.
Manipulated pattern lengths among voice stacks for intricate rhythmic patterns, aiming for a polyrhythmic effect.
Creating a Soundscape:
Added effects like convolution reverb, chorus, and phasers to enrich the texture.
Utilized MIDI note export to integrate with other elements in the project, creating cohesive melodies and harmonies.
Kick Drum and Rhythmic Elements:
Designed a kick drum from a sine wave, augmented with envelopes for amplitude and pitch modulation.
Incorporated noise and filtering for texture, adding a knock element for additional punch.
Bassline and Melodic Elements:
Introduced a bassline using Polymer, carefully shaping it to fit around the kick drum frequencies.
Explored melodic content using a piano sound, controlled via a complex setup of random triggers and modulation to fit within the established scale and harmony.
Glitch Sounds and Rhythmic Complexity:
Crafted glitch sounds and additional rhythmic layers using noise and phase modulation for hi-hats and snares, aiming for a richly textured rhythmic backdrop.
Lead Sounds and Final Touches:
Created a lead sound within the Grid, exploring various synthesis techniques and effects to sculpt a distinctive voice for the track.
Finalized the composition by adjusting elements to sit well together, such as making room for the bass in the mix and ensuring a cohesive sound.
The tutorial encapsulates a detailed exploration of Bitwig Studio's capabilities for sound design, rhythm creation, and melodic composition, showcasing how to build a track from the ground up. Techniques like voice stacking, modulation, and the innovative use of the Grid illustrate Bitwig's powerful tools for electronic music production.
Download the Project: