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New free Ambient Chill Out tunes on my youtube channel up. You can find a direct download to 320kbs mp3s in each videos description for free download. 


Polarity - Lost Coast ~ Ambient

This is kind of dark ambient i guess. It started out very colour- and joyful but ended up like this. All sounds are pretty randomized and generative. The underlying wooden ship texture drone gives it a darker and organic vibe. 💾 Download mp3 here: https://polaritymusic.s3.amazonaws.com/release/Polarity_-_LostCoast.mp3 -- Hi i´m Polarity and do music at home in my small bedroom studio. I record regularly sessions and publish them here. I also broadcast live on twitch from time to time. Hallo ich heiße Polarity und mache Musik hier in Berlin in meinem kleinen Schlafzimmer. Ich zeichne regelmässig Sessions auf und veröffentliche sie hier. Wer möchte kann das auch live auf Twitch verfolgen, wo ich öfters Live sende! 💰 Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/polarity_music Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/polarity_berlin Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/polarity Twitter: https://twitter.com/polarity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polaritydnb/



Would be awesome if you'd share the project files. Curious on how you're implementing your and 3rd party devices into your tracks.


a walkthrough the files and telling how i made everything is already on my list! its coming soon i think. About releasing the files: i thought about it, but i wasnt sure because i use 3rd party device not everyone has. and it would only be useful for users with the right combination of plugin.