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This is a TouchOSC template. You get a slider for each CC (1-128) and a button to randomize the values of each slider. When you map CC to ceratin knobs in your synths, it can spit out random patches, which you can then adjust or save as presets.

  • you need the newest TouchOSC version
  • you need probably a virtual midi device (touch osc has something integrated, or use loopMidi)
  • In Bitwig you can setup a new controller and just use the "generic midi keyboard" script and choose the virtual midi port from touchosc or loopmidi
  • right click in bitwig on any synth knob and choose "map to controller or key" and move a slider in the TouchOSC template.
  • repeat this for all kobs you want to randomize
  • hit the big red magic button until you find a nice combination and save it as a preset
  • there will be probably a video soon, explaining some things.



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