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The next #bitwig #beatbattle is in full swing. This time the focus is on modulators and operators. Submit your bwclip files and youtube videos to the following page. As a bonus, a bitwig t-shirt will be drawn among the participants.

If you want to contribute to the challenge after the deadline, you can use the hashtag #bitwig-challenge-modulators in your youtube description to pop up on the website.  

rules, dates & submission form here https://bitwig.community/challenge-beatbattle2-modulators


Build a piece of music or a sequence that uses only one note clip, one instrument and various modulators and operators.

At the end of each Bitwig challenge, we discuss the entries and enjoy what we have achieved. You missed the challenge? Look on the overview page for the next upcoming challenge. Build a piece of music or a sequence that uses only one note clip, one instrument and various modulators and operators.


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