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I patched some kind of weird reverb effect together. You can make pad  sounds epic, wide, deep and dirty. Also it shows, Bitwig can do some  nice reverb FX if you know how to chain. All default modules are pretty  basic but chained together, they become very powerful.


Polarity KrassVerb for Bitwig [Free]

New Tool for Bitwig. I patched some kind of weird reverb effect together. You can make pad sounds epic, wide, deep and dirty. Also it shows, Bitwig can do some nice reverb FX if you know how to chain. All default modules are pretty basic but chained together, they become very powerful. 💾 Download: https://polaritymusic.s3.amazonaws.com/tools-bitwig/Bitwig_Chain_Poli-KrassVerb-ver1.zip Installation: extract zip, 📲 Preset Installation: extract zip, then: --------------------------------------------------- Windows: copy "*.bwpreset" file on windows to C:\Users\**username**\Documents\Bitwig Studio\Library\Presets\Chain\ --------------------------------------------------- Mac: copy "*.bwpreset" file on OSX to ~/Documents/Bitwig Studio/Library/Presets/Chain/ --------------------------------------------------- Linux: copy "*.bwpreset" file on OSX to ~/Bitwig Studio/Library/Presets/Chain/ -- Hi i´m Polarity and do music at home in my small bedroom studio. I record regularly sessions and publish them here. I also broadcast live on twitch from time to time. Hallo ich heiße Polarity und mache Musik hier in Berlin in meinem kleinen Schlafzimmer. Ich zeichne regelmässig Sessions auf und veröffentliche sie hier. Wer möchte kann das auch live auf Twitch verfolgen, wo ich öfters Live sende! Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/polarity_berlin Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/polarity Twitter: https://twitter.com/polarity


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