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Took Miley in Bitwig for a spin on my ambient beats. 😅 I have also a video ready but youtube locks the video ofc. So it´s only Bitwig in 3D. Hope you have some fun.

You can also download the WAV here: https://polaritymusic.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/releases/2023-05-30_MileyCyrus_Jaded-Polarity-Remix.wav 


Miley Cyrus - Jaded - (Polarity Remix)

Took Miley for a spin in Bitwig on top of my typical ambient tech beats. Kind of a remix / rework twisting the original harmonies into something deeper and darker. Hope you enjoy it! my main channel, tutorials & more music: https://www.youtube.com/c/PolarityMusic mein deutscher kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJGYExyunWHIPZus1SQH4Q


Alexandre Enkerli

Nice! What’s the patch on the arp? Gives it a bit of a 90s vibe. Almost PeterGab.


Love the rythms. Also nice progression and really cool sounds. Nicely done! Personally I would have volumed down on the vocals (at start of track) In the later part the volume fits with the music. Apart from that it's a great track! Please do more remixes!!! :D


i can upload the whole project. it think its the polymer, but there is a big blackhole reverb in the fx chain :D