Track Review - Drum and Bass - Excited (Patreon)
2023-10-31 16:53:15
In today's video, I started by intending to create a lo-fi track in Bitwig Studio but had to switch due to bugs in Beta3. Instead, I walked you through creating a drum and bass track with Bitwig 5.1.
- BPM and Time Signature: The track is at 172 BPM, and I switched from 4/4 to 17/8 time signature in the main part.
- Exclusive Use of Addictive Drums: I used Addictive Drums for all drum sounds, with no external layering.
- Special Technique: Unlike my usual approach of resampling breakbeats, I used Addictive Drums live.
- Link Feature: Utilized the 'link' feature to layer sine wave partials under the kick and snare directly within Addictive Drums.
Effects and Processing:
- Master Chain: The FX chain includes transient control, distortion devices, and equalizers.
- DSQ3: Used to remove specific overpowering frequencies in the mix.
- Crossover Plugin: Normalizes each band to peak at 0 dB, followed by clipping.
- Phase 4: Mainly used Phase 4 for creating bass sounds, applying hard clipping for harmonics.
- Automation: Incorporated movement and transition effects through automation.
Other Elements:
- Polysynth: Employed for a different sonic texture, still a work in progress.
- Bus Processing: On the drum and bass bus, used Hard Clip and Loud Split to clean up the mix without losing character.
The takeaway? There's no one-size-fits-all in music production; it's a matter of personal taste and style. I showcased how you could achieve similar results through various methods and encouraged you to build your own 'taste chart' in your brain.