3 Clip Tips (Patreon)
2024-01-16 16:56:03
In the latest Bitwig tutorial, I explored the creation of polyrhythms and polymeters using the Arranger window, Clip Launcher, and grouping multiple instrument tracks. Here's a brief summary:
- Polyrhythms in Bitwig: Created two instrument tracks with one-note clips, subdivided into different numbers (three and five). Demonstrated slicing notes into equal parts using "slice at repeats". Grouped the tracks using Control + G, and named the group "polyrhythm".
Applied a synthesizer, Polymer, on the group track. Configured the individual tracks to send MIDI data to the polyrhythm group. - Polymeters Concept: Created different clip lengths with the same subdivisions (eight notes) but varying in pitch.
Grouped them under "polymeter" and applied the Polymer synth.
Demonstrated how different clip lengths loop at different points, creating interesting patterns. - Combining Polyrhythms and Polymeters: Highlighted the flexibility in Bitwig to create complex rhythms by combining different subdivisions and clip lengths. Discussed the advantage of the Clip Launcher for ambient music, using varying clip lengths for evolving chord progressions.
- Practical Application: Showed how to create chord progressions by looping clips at different points. Discussed the benefit of using polymeters in ambient music for more interesting patterns over time. Explained the grouping of multiple clips into a single pattern played by one synth.
Also watch the recent video about Polymeters & Polyrhythms in the Grid