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Hey Folks,

Big welcome to all the new patrons that joined since last update. Glad to have you here.

Card Drives 0.2

Been working on a handful of things this month, including fiddling around with the look and feel of runs in Card Drives. Right now I'm going with this sort of abstract Hackers the movie approach where you can see your path between different parts of the net, with grids and obelisks of data rather than concise labels for what you are doing or meddling with. 

I kinda like it but it's pretty time intensive for the moment. 

I'm also fiddling with the gameplay a bit. Taking bugs only when you cycle doesn't feel quite right to me. I think they might just be checkpoints where you have to take damage or lose cards, and those bugs and buffs change in severity and type based on the run. 

This might also make it more fun to do branching paths and choosing your route like many rogue-likes do. Will test this out to see how it feels.

Print Sale

If you're interested in getting physical copies of some of my games, I'm having a big ol' sale on my itch store for the rest of the month. You can grab any of my overstock print titles for half-off. 

Solo Games

If you're a fan of single player RPGs like myself, there are a couple that are crowdfunding at the moment that I think are worth a look. I'm pretty excited about them anyway:

Two-Hand Path: A spell-slinging modern post-apocalyptic dungeon crawler where a set of hands acts as your character sheet.

Hardcase: A rules modular sci-fi survival game by Thursday Garreau. It has rules for chasing down bounties and for vending machines.

That's all from me for now. Hope you all are well and thanks again for supporting my work.




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