KILLOTINE card game preview (Patreon)
Hey again cool cyberpunks,
In my last patron-exclusive update I talked about a card game I was working on.
Well, here's a preview of some of the cards! It's a single player cyberpunk sort of deal. You're a streamer trying to get as many subscribers (SUBS) as possible. Events are meant to be high risk high reward opportunities to get you more SUBS, and sponsorships make you lose SUBS but give you lasting bonuses. There's also gifts from your SUBS that you must use (for good or ill), tips from your chat that can help or hinder you, and a mix of 50 combat/net/obstacle cards that make up the majority of the gameplay.
The prototype I've been playing the last few weeks is all handwritten notes and edits on the first batch of cards I printed on plain paper. I stuck those in some sleeves with some Magic the Gathering cards to give them some weight. Next up I'm gonna incorporate those edits, make all the card types look similar and do a bit of design work to make them at least pleasing to look at. Then I'll print off a new batch on cardstock.
Shout out to half a lifetime playing MtG teaching me the importance of which words you use and how to use them when writing rules that need to fit on a 1 inch by 2 inch box of space.
Talk soon!