Neon Black 7.3 (Patreon)
Hey punks,
The latest version of Neon Black is now live on itch. This will be the version I resubmit to publishers, so there probably won't be many changes until I figure out if I have to do it myself or if I can get someone else to manage it for me :P
Odd bit of serendipity: the last version I submitted was v6.3. Weird how that worked out.
As for the future, you'll definitely be seeing something big on Kickstarter from myself and a few other designers in February. I'm really excited about that but can't say much more right now.
I'd like to work on a few small projects as well, but I have a terrible habit of bloating even the most simple things these days so, still not sure exactly. At the very least I know I'll be tackling a solo occult investigator game in the new year, which is related to the project coming out in February. I'm also helping run a year-long design workshop on the Blades in the Dark discord server, coming up with design prompts and questions to help folks tackle new projects or see their games in a new light.
Took a couple days off during the holidays, which was sorely needed. Now that Neon Black is out the door (all 70,000 words) I can take some more time off. Really hoping I get a "yes" on that one.