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Hey folks!

So, there's some sales happening! Itch is having their first creator's day where folks on their platform get to keep 100% of their profits for the day. To mark the occasion I've bundled some games together in a sale. If you haven't gotten my games and want to pick some up, give them as a gift, or whatever, now is the perfect time!

Creator's Day Sale 

My game World Maker is also currently a bundle with several other games and exercises all about making fictional worlds, or games based on making maps, etc. It's a great deal, with 29 games for only $20!

Worldbuilding Bundle 

If you have other creators you love on itch.io I highly recommend buying their games today, or maybe leaving a review or sharing their stuff on social media. Help spread the love!

Thanks again! Hope y'all are doing well and getting vaccinations where and when you can!



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