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Hey folks!

Been a busy month for me. Spent a little while sorting out what the back half of this year is going to look like.

I've got the Synthicide rulebook, which successfully Kickstarted recently and I'll start working on in the next few weeks.

I've got Neon Black which I'm planning to Kickstart at the end of the year.

I've officially started writing a bit of content for Slugblaster, a game about teens visiting other dimensions and doing kick-flips.

I've started collaborating with another designer on a RPG card game.

And I've got Devil's Dice, my hack of External Containment Bureau which Kickstarted earlier this year. The prototype of this game is now complete and is attached to this post! 

Kassandra King: Devil's Dice is a solo occult investigation game where you're trying to win your soul back from the Devil. It does a lot of new things for me. I use the Ironsworn system of moves and starting truths with a bit of a twist from the mechanics I introduce from ECB. You play a singular character, Kassandra King, who has a certain way of doing things (read: not great) that I think fits the overall noir occult investigator vibes.

The plan with ECB was that all the members of the core design team would release hacks of the game after the official release of ECB. Devil's Dice might be the first of these, since everyone else is pretty busy. With ECB releasing in August sometime, I think Devil's Dice should be ready for September or October.

Above is a preview of what the rulebook might look like. The text right now doesn't reflect what is in the current prototype but it still looks cool, right?

You can get a digital copy of the Devil's Dice character contract here. 

Because of all this work I've got lined up I've sort of pushed all my game jam games back for now. Hoping to offer you all some regular content like prototypes and previews but smaller games and supplements may be few and far between this year. 

Thanks again for your continued support!



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