Patreon Update (Patreon)
Hey Patrons!
So, some of you may have already noticed some changes around here and I wanted to go through everything all at once so we're all on the same page.
First up, I'm having a sale on all my games for the rest of October. You can find those details here.
But if you're reading this post then that might be moot because I've changed all the reward tiers. Every patron now gets access to all my games. With the exception of the producer tier, all the tiers get the same rewards. Producers still get their name in the credits as an added bonus. This means that folks at the $1 and $5 tier get access to more games. If that's you, scroll down to the bottom of this post for an updated list of all the download links from my store.
Why? A couple of reasons.
It's easier for me to handle. This way instead of messaging new patrons when they pledge, I can just put all the links necessary on the welcome page, and update it as I need to. It also means that when I release a new game I can just share the link in a post rather than message certain patrons. It makes managing this space easier.
It's also a good deal and I need more patrons. I won't beat about the bush here: if I'm going to survive I need more income. This place has been stagnate for a while I need to mix things up. Being able to pick how much you pledge a month and still receive the same rewards feels like a good incentive to me.
And finally, it feels better. I like that I have an easily affordable way for folks to get access to the games and stories I make. Not everyone who wants what I sell can afford it. A few dollars a month is a way easier ask than a one-off $15 purchase.
So, what else is new? Well there's a new $3 (USD) tier. That just gives folks more options and it felt nicer than a jump from $1 to $5.
We also have some new goals!
If we get to $350 (USD) a month I'll start posting patron polls. This will let all of you decide what I make. At any given moment I always have a few ideas, half-finished prototypes, or abandoned games lying around so if I ever have a spare moment, I'll ask all of you what you want me to work on and present a few options. Community engagement!
If we get to $500 (USD) a month, I'll resurrect the Forgotten Folio Society. I get an email like once a month asking if I'm going to bring this back and I never have a good answer. But since there's interest, I'll bite. For those who don't know, Forgotten Folios was a subscription service where I told stories by mail, through hand written letters, artifacts, and puzzles. It was quite a hit, but I had no idea how to manage a business and it went bust. If we get to this level I'll revisit the idea and all my patrons will have a chance to opt in. You'll just have to change your tier type so I can get your address. It won't cost anything extra (other than postage, you'll see).
Finally, I'm offering the same deal on Ko-fi. If Patreon isn't your cup of tea, I totally understand. Ko-fi lets me do pretty much the same thing I'm doing here.
And that's it! Thank you all again for your support. And now, for the games!